StartUp Festival is about to happen in Prague on May 11, bringing together leading startups from the local ecosystem and large technological giants. According to CzechCrunch, initiated by business accelerator XPort on the Prague University of Economics event will feature speeches and workshops by representatives of Microsoft, Google, Airbnb and Uber.
“Startup Festival is a unique event of its kind. We want to form a community around XPort startups and create a business environment for active people. In doing so, we realized that there was no an event like startup festival and were surprised” – says marketing manager of business accelerator XPort Libor Coal.
Displayed on the event will be a successful Brno startup Skypicker , taxi platform Liftago , P2P lending platform Zonk. Startup Festival will bring together also students or people interested in beginning their journey with technological entrepreneruship.
The schedule and topics of the event are as follows:
11.00h – Google, Microsoft: is it better to work in a startup or corporation?
13.00h – Hithit, Credo Ventures, Fundlift, Atotech or how to finance startups?
15.00h – Airbnb, Skypicker, Zonk: stories of successful startups
17.00h – UBER, Taxify, or Liftago: new era in personal transportation?
Startup ecosystem in Czech Republic has been on the rise recently. Hardware StartUp from Prague Sphericam 2 received an investment of $5 million last month. Events like StartUp Festival are aimed to bolster its development and attract new talent that may be interested in working in startup and entrepreneurial environment.