Bratislava, Slovakia will be the host of one of the biggest hackathons in the region. On 6-8 of May, with the support of hub:raum and Telekom, InnovationHack will be the place where tech enthusiast will create new products and services with a chance to win 2000 Euro and a chance to get into the hub:raum acceleration program.
Participants can choose one of the 4 different challenges or tracks:
- Mobile Telecare – improving the mobile health and telecare services using innovative wearable technologies, smart devices and mobile IoT platform
- Localisation services – for people with a solution or a functional prototype that improves localization services or applies location data and related information for marketing purpose
- Open Data and IoT – for those who want to use open and big data to improve products or services
- Telekom challenges – for those that don’t have an idea but want to work on some interesting projects
Check out their webpage for more details about each of the 4 challenges
[easy-tweet tweet=”Check out #InnovationHack happening this weekend in #Bratislava @ImpactHubBA” user=”150sec” hashtags=”CEEmakers” url=”http://wp.me/p6MtIQ-13a”]