We all notice that the world is evolving really fast. So is its population and its problems. That is why Hello Tomorrow was brought to life in 2011. Its mission is to address world’s emerging issues with science and technology applications. They have labelled societal and industrial challenges with 10 categories and in order to solve them they facilitate the connection between science and entrepreneurship to bring technologies from laboratories to the real world. Hello Tomorrow is a non-profit organization connecting science entrepreneurs with universities, accelerators, investors and corporations establishing a global network with a global impact.

In order to gather the best solutions under one roof Hello Tomorrow organizes the Challenge competition. To be selected, a project or startup need to fall into one of the categories, namely: air quality, beauty & well-being, data, energy, food & agriculture, healthcare, industry 4.0, transportation & mobility, water & waste. The team shall work on a new technology or a new application of an existing one, have raised not more than 400.000 € and already have a proof of concept or a scientific validation of their claim. Furthermore, what is important is that it shall have potential for a substantial long-term impact on society or industry, whereas the founders should be visionary with strong leadership skills, with a well-formulated plan and a sustainable business model.

After the first round 500 startups will be chosen and will be invited to the Hello Tomorrow Summit in Paris on the 14th October. The conference is of the highest quality, having gathered 2500 people in 2015 with great guests including CTO of Nasa, Director of Google X, CEO of Hyperloop or CTO of IBM Watson. In the second round, 100 selected startups will be pitching to investors at the conference. In the final round 10 best startups (1 from from each category) will be awarded with 15.000 € prize and on top of that the best startup will win 100.000 € with no equity taken.

[easy-tweet tweet=”10 startups will be awarded 15.000€ and best startup will win 100.000€ @hellotmrc” user=”150sec” hashtags=”HTChallenge2016 ” url=”http://bit.ly/1TgUTqb”]

There are 50 curators around the world who source, invite and help great startups to apply. Contact the CEE curator Katarzyna Rabczuk at [email protected] to ask questions and discuss the application procedure. Alternatively, apply between April 19 and June 17 at and become a member of this amazing network which aims to solve world’s most pressing issues with entrepreneurship.


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